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网址:www.moxingt.oy56.cn  2021-07-22  作者:admin    阅读:

建筑模型是将建筑理念付诸实践的桥梁。建筑模型制作体现了人们对于空间与建筑、平面与立体之间的感受,是设计草图的基本前提。建筑模型设计必将激发入门者以及有经验的模型制作者一种全新的、宝贵的模型制作思路。钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修
Architectural model is a bridge to put architectural concept into practice. Building model making reflects people's feelings about space and architecture, plane and three-dimensional, which is the basic premise of design sketch. The architectural model design will certainly inspire the entrants and experienced model makers a new and valuable model making idea.
The architectural model is helpful to the design and creation, can directly reflect the design intention, and make up for the limitations of the drawings in the performance. It is not only a part of the designer's design process, but also a form of design.
建筑模型设计说明模型的制作采用卡纸为主要材料,建筑模型制作用粘贴的方式 做出了墙体的厚度。建筑模型制作精细,提炼得当, 建筑的虚实关系及细部在模型中都有表现, 使建筑模型设计更为生动。
The architectural model design shows that the model is made of cardboard as the main material, and the wall thickness is made by pasting. The architectural model is made elaborately and refined properly. The relationship between the virtual and the real and the details of the building are expressed in the model, which makes the architectural model design more vivid.

